

Prevention is a basic item of high oral hygiene and health. For this reason, we offer all our patients the possibility of a free examination in order to identify any potential oral problems and rehabilitate them in time without any consequences. We recommend professional tartar cleaning and sandblasting to all our patients at least twice a year, with free control 2D X-rays, especially to patients who have developed periodontitis, pregnant women, patients with diabetes or similar. Professional tartar cleaning is usually performed without anaesthesia, but in patients with sensitive teeth it is possible to anesthetize sensitive areas before starting treatment.


1.  Can tooth decay be detected at the very beginning of its development?

To detect invisible, initial caries, we use a revolutionary method of laser caries detection. With the help of advanced DiagnoDENT technology, we can quickly and painlessly detect even the smallest disturbance in the structure of the tooth based on the difference in the fluorescence of healthy and caries-affected dental tissue. We guarantee our patients the highest quality service with recordings that are permanently stored in our system and which we can access always and at any time.

2.  Prevention tips

1. Regular visits to your dentist - it is recommended to visit your dentist at least twice a year in order to detect any problems with oral health early and to recover in time without long-term consequences.

2. Brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day - brushing your teeth is a very important part of maintaining your oral health. Most dentists recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. This is very important because during the night, plaque formation is completely undisturbed. Brushing your teeth after a meal is also recommended because brushing slows down the colonization of bacteria on the teeth that feed on leftover food particles, especially sugars, releasing by-products that promote caries.

3. Healthy eating - When we talk about healthy teeth, you are what you eat. By consuming foods rich in sugars, such as sweets or juices, you promote the development of caries on your teeth. We recommend consuming cheese, yogurt, leafy vegetables, apples, carrots, celery and almonds, all of which contain something that can contribute to good oral health.

4. Quit smoking - Although the effects of smoking on oral health are insufficiently exposed compared to the rest of the body, the effect of smoking on the teeth and oral cavity is a big enough reason to quit. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health, but did you know that it does have an impact on oral health? Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for gum disease that results in inflamed gums. Such irritation of the gums can affect the health of the jawbone and other supporting structures, and in advanced stages can result in tooth loss.

5. Professional tartar cleaning - Professional tartar cleaning twice a year keeps your oral health and teeth protected. Even if you take extreme care of your oral health, plaque and caries can always be present and you need to visit your dentist regularly.

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